Minimum Viable Documentation

I’m giving a talk on the upcoming DevFest Munich 2023, organized by the Google Developers Group in Munich. It’s a 1-day tech that will offer tech talks, workshops, and opportunities to meet people in the industry.

In my case, I wanted to talk about documentation in a relatable way. That’s why my talk is called Just document it: Minimum (read the rest)

Using personas in Technical Writing

Technical writers often face the challenge of creating complex technical content that is both accurate and engaging. Using personas can help technical writers overcome this challenge by providing a clear target audience.

In user experience (UX) design, personas are fictional characters representing the different types of users who might use a product or service. These personas are based on user … (read the rest)

Writing great release notes

Release notes are the way we let users know about changes in our application or service. 

Unfortunately, users and developers often ignore them, and tech writers consider them one of the most boring types of technical documentation. So, obviously, I wanted to talk about them.

Something to get out of the way before starting is the usage of the term. (read the rest)

From Academia to technical writing

I’ve been a writer of sorts for around ten years. I love writing, and I consider it almost second nature to me.

Whenever I want to share something, create something, or do something, I start by writing. 

And now I get to do it for a living, which I love. But every time I have to tell someone what I … (read the rest)

write(“hello world”)

This blog is inspired by many other technical writing blogs, such as I’d Rather Be Writing by Tom Johnson and Passo Uno by Fabrizio Ferri Benedetti.

What made me start was a blog post and Twitter thread by Fabrizio, talking about needing more technical writing content out there. I loved how, in my previous company, I could mentor new tech … (read the rest)